Trademark Renewal

Renewing. Trademark Validity.

@ Rs. 5,988*

*Subject To Change On Market Conditions


    Trademark Renewal

    Upon the registration of your trademark, you are allowed thereby to utilise the R (registered) symbol along with the trademark. This registration is valid for the subsequent 10 years for the same brand. If during the course of these 10 years there is an infringement of your trademark, you are legally permitted to file a suit in the court of law to stop or avoid such misuse of your trademark.

    When should your Trademark be renewed?

    Trademark renewal is required to be filed in advance and prior to the expiry of the mark. Ideally, you should file your trademark renewal application form well before the before a deadline to take advantage of the protection it provides without any chances of impending litigation. Once it is renewed past the first 10 years, it has lifetime validity.

    It is extremely essential that you are particular about the application for the renewal of your trademark in advance, i.e. before the expiry of the 10 years deadline. The Trademark Ministry will send you a notice to the registered office of your brand establishment to intimate you about the upcoming expiry. However, keeping in mind the going concern of a business, you would very well want to continue this trademark. If you have not filed your application for continuation and renewal of the trademark before the due date, the Registrar of Trademarks may advertise their intention to cross out the trademark front to the journal. In the case you don’t apply for renewal before the date of expiry, you can do so by paying the fine amount later. The process of reinstating a trademark in the journal is called restoration. However, this could be a process subject to litigation.

    Talk To Us To Get The Renewal Processed Right